Workingbert's series use digital printing to its fullest capacity; countless ways of color gradients used on large scales and at the same time perfect precision in sharpness and fading. Working from handmade sketches and material experiments, the digital technique helps create greater tactility of the printed surface.
Workingbert's digital tactility creates textile awareness in interiors and provides the necessary Humanification of our square hard spaces we live and work in.
Experimenting by hand enables an imperfection of coincidence which emphasises the human character of the designs. Spots, stains, scan marks, scratches, damaged surfaces, wilted flowers, photograms and Japanese dying techniques, they are translated into different non repetitive interior wall and window solutions. The unconventional combination of nature, designing methods and printing technique give Workingbert’s walls and windows a human made contemporary interior approach.

As print designer for fashion and interior fabrics, Workingbert works for different clients worldwide
Digital printing design is one of his specialities.
Companies which bought or commissioned works from Workingbert directly or through agents; (selected list).
Cole and Son, Marburg, Arte, Vitra, Creation Baumann, Eco-Borastapeter, Egetaepper, Kinnasand, Essenza, Christian Fischbacher, Almedahls, Nyanordiska Tsumori Chisato, Alexander Henry, Josef Otten, Vatos wallcoverings, Kayra Tekstil, Beddinghouse, Steutz, Kendix. Mitloedi, Speedo, H&M, Oilily, Moschino Cheap & Chic, Carven, De Efteling, [springers]wonen, [springers]stofferen, De Borrelfabriek, St. Antonius ziekenhuis, Jeva, van de ende Stage Entertainment